I don't even feel I fit in on autism sites either. Late diagnoses and abusive families seem to be a common thing among the autism community. I was given the stupid diagnosis at 8 years old, and going through all that as a child was traumatic for me and my parents and has never made me happy or able to accept myself.
If I say I have a decent, supportive family then I might get accused of gloating here, so I can't say that.
You've still had your share of suffering and unhappiness
@Misty Avich. It doesn't do to do too much comparing to other's as it only tends to reinforce feelings of inferiority or the opposite, neither of which bring us any wellbeing. Everyone suffers and has trials, even people that have life "too easy" (if that even is such a thing) can suffer from purposelessness, boredom and difficulties finding meaning in life, which shows itself in wealthy countries that have high standards of living and, yet, still have, high suicide rates.
So you see, life is just hard. We all have to struggle and work hard to value ourselves and our own small lives and the little things that make life bearable. As much as I can tell you are really going through it at the moment, I have faith in you, you will find your way through this. You might have to dig deep, within yourself, to find something that brings you up, out of this dark place you are currently at, or you might need to reach out and try find some help to get you through, but, I believe in you Misty!
You are a goody, a kind and caring human, you just need to apply some of that beautiful kindness, that I've seen you extend to other's, to your beautiful self. You deserve your own care and kindness. You don't need a baby to be worthwhile as a human, and who knows? You might even enjoy supporting your cousin and being a friend to a little person. This is an opportunity for you to mature, into the grown up, you were always destined to be. To step up and drop those things about yourself that you don't like. Those things aren't you, they were part of younger you, but you are outgrowing some of those childish behaviours and traits, I believe, which is why you aren't happy with yourself at the moment. Shed your old skin lovely woman! You can be more than you ever thought you could be, you just need to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! It might sound like a tired old cliche, but that doesn't mean it isn't true!