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  • Screw it, I’ll say this

    I don’t like people who are in relationships. I don’t
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I agree. There so annoying. Especially every new woman I talk to is in one. So frustrating.
    my neighbour, whom I like, has a roommate that’s annoying. She’s especially told me today that my neighbour has a boyfriend. First of all, I don’t need to know that information. Second, not every guy wants to have sex with a girl just because they meet. I just want to talk, that’s all. Some people think they are better just because they are coupled up, no they are not
    If I got a million dollars right now, what will I do?

    Buy everything I want. Well everything I want only cost 300 dollars, so that leaves a lot for me to save
    One thing: too many wants

    Greed, huge problem amongst many, me included

    The biggest thing is to keep my ego in check

    Also, being able to enjoy the present, something I need to improve
    I can’t stand nationalism

    But again I don’t worry about those things, at least I try not to
    Is that like the dark side of patriotism?
    Pretty much. I can’t understand it, let along support it
    The weight of expectations can drag even the strongest down

    That’s why it’s best to leave others along. Let them be
    Crazy what a night of sleep, or lack of, does to a body

    One day you can feel fatter than fish grease, next day you can feel slimmer than a duck

    Funny how things go
    Some of that could be gas...
    Could be. I walked a lot today, feeling much better
    I just read something that was disturbing

    I wish I can stop wasting my time on negativity
    It is a good start that you are conscious of said negativity.
    It definitely doesn't make sense to curate negativity in your life. It can be a black hole for energy that could be better spent.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    A black hole for energy is correct. I went down that rabbit hole and was triggered big time.
    I have come to terms with something

    There are things I hate, but can’t change. Might a well stop worrying about it
    A decision I made: deleting my YouTube channel

    I’m still processing this decision but so far I feel good

    I don’t regret anything
    I have a strong dislike for people

    The more I see them, the more hate I experience

    I have to remind myself: it’s ok, I’m not inferior

    Even that’s hard though
    We become what we behold, my friend.
    Is that why you chose the name Mao...?
    There are certain topics that I can’t talk about

    Every time I talk about those topics, I’m furious and I get violent

    I tried for so long to not touch them but I’m at a boiling point
    You need to let go of anger so that you aren't a statistic that we read about. Anger serves no purpose.
    You will suffer. It's better to take that anger and channel it to a better cause. It shows you have matured and strive to be better.
    I no longer feel welcomed on this site

    So I can’t speak about issues that bothers me

    Why do people keep roasting me for having an opinion

    Again, enough is enough. I’m out
    I agree, you could use a time out.
    Hope you use your time productively.
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