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  • The weight of expectations can drag even the strongest down

    That’s why it’s best to leave others along. Let them be
    Crazy what a night of sleep, or lack of, does to a body

    One day you can feel fatter than fish grease, next day you can feel slimmer than a duck

    Funny how things go
    Some of that could be gas...
    Could be. I walked a lot today, feeling much better
    I just read something that was disturbing

    I wish I can stop wasting my time on negativity
    It is a good start that you are conscious of said negativity.
    It definitely doesn't make sense to curate negativity in your life. It can be a black hole for energy that could be better spent.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    A black hole for energy is correct. I went down that rabbit hole and was triggered big time.
    I have come to terms with something

    There are things I hate, but can’t change. Might a well stop worrying about it
    A decision I made: deleting my YouTube channel

    I’m still processing this decision but so far I feel good

    I don’t regret anything
    I have a strong dislike for people

    The more I see them, the more hate I experience

    I have to remind myself: it’s ok, I’m not inferior

    Even that’s hard though
    We become what we behold, my friend.
    Is that why you chose the name Mao...?
    There are certain topics that I can’t talk about

    Every time I talk about those topics, I’m furious and I get violent

    I tried for so long to not touch them but I’m at a boiling point
    You need to let go of anger so that you aren't a statistic that we read about. Anger serves no purpose.
    You will suffer. It's better to take that anger and channel it to a better cause. It shows you have matured and strive to be better.
    I no longer feel welcomed on this site

    So I can’t speak about issues that bothers me

    Why do people keep roasting me for having an opinion

    Again, enough is enough. I’m out
    I agree, you could use a time out.
    Hope you use your time productively.
    Once you see what’s going on, you know most are dummies

    I hate the direction society is going. I don’t give energy to people, I don’t waste my time
    The question I ask myself: do I yearn love

    Answer is always a yes and no

    It’s not a question I should answer
    Ever since I started blogging, I have gotten extra cautious with words

    I don’t want to mess with the flow nor do I want to reveal too much

    Being introverted is the best. I don’t need to communicate with others. I am more emotionally stable as a result
    After all these years I still have trouble dealing with changes

    I have a routine I stick to and I rarely change
    I don’t know why but I feel hungry at night

    I don’t know if this is a circadian rhythm thing or what not

    Or maybe because I don’t eat breakfast
    A question to ponder: what will you do if you won 50 million?

    For me, I haven’t thought about it but I doubt I will spend much as I’m happy with life and don’t need a lot to be satisfied

    I don’t know if I will spend it on women as I don’t think I need anyone

    What will you guys do with the money
    I refuse to play the lottery since everybody who wins any sizable amount of money inevitably ends up spending it on flashy junk, being constantly harassed for money, being sued by pretty much everybody, and in the end the money is all gone and they are a gutter dopehead shooting up xylazine in a tent in a park. Jesus said that money is the root of all evil, and it's true.
    I'd rather be poor and anonymous for the rest of my life, one of those people whose dead body is only discovered when the investor who bought the foreclosed house comes across the skeleton in the bedroom. I don't want anybody to care that I'm alive or dead. That's why I'm out here.
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