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  • How come there are more guests than members? Asking a friend
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    The coolest and most exclusive clubs always have more guests than members.
    Probably bot traffic and search crawlers. The usual
    Daily reminder: porn isn’t sex

    Took me a while to realize
    That's why homemade or amateur porn is better, because it's closer to what you have in real life, than that cringe they do in studios, but, of course, still not the real thing.
    Must be a guy thing, don't see Kevin involved in really bad stuff. Japanese porn is shocking
    Come to realise that men can be just as much victim of sexual abuse and porn, so much gay porn but it's not for me.
    I wish internet wasn't so viral, too many lost dignity. I learnt to become religious due to porn comes from devil.
    They are quick to label black men as three quick categories: athletes, rappers and thugs when a lot of black men I know fall into neither

    They are quick to label us Asian men as sexually incompetent, aromantic, nerds and those with small penises

    A lot of people don’t fall into those categories, neither do I. Tired of the media portraying us as such

    It’s not right and extremely hurtful
    One of my friends is Asian American and he’s the total opposite of me. He’s very loud, confident, loves fast food, is right-wing in his political views, and he’s married.

    I agree with you on media stereotypes. They are stupid. I was born in Texas but I don’t talk with a silly accent and I don’t live in the country.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    A lot of Asian men in NYC have platonic female friends it pisses me off. So @Markness your right.

    Did you only realise this now, this is old track. They zap your energy, and for ages I just was quiet and peaceful but with narcissistic types the manipulation never ends.
    Never heard of biker gangs promoted as political pride,
    Morning people swear they are better lol

    They are not, if you want me to be brutally honest

    They love to criticize us night owls, saying it’s not healthy

    Try telling a person working night shift that, you probably won’t make it out alive
    People have different chronotypes. I've never understood some people's insistence on "everyone who gets up after xy AM is lazy". After all, no one ever says "everyone who goes to bed before xy PM is lazy". Different sorts of jobs exist for a reason, and people's rhythms should be way more respected.
    Age gradually changed me over time from that "night owl" to an "early riser". Though my need for sleep doesn't seem to have changed appreciably either. Healthier? I don't see that. It's just a choice- no more, no less. Go figure.

    Night owls likely live different lifestyles...swing shifts, etc. Early risers may even resent it as their work hours won't allow for it. Simple jealousy? Maybe.
    These biker gangs took over crystal meth market from Mexicans. Extracting drugs from sinus meds and distributing illegal drugs onto the market.
    I think they know more than what telling people about this particular sensory drug
    Being thinking about something: everything we do can be taken away in an instant

    Truth is our existence is very brittle

    Who are we? Is life just meaningless or is our life just a one giant lie?
    Money is power, power corrupts.
    Only interested in high functioning to be in power, truth is low functioning just isn't on agenda, even wound these asd people into believing gifted strategies to point where Asperger's want to be seperated and couldn't care if low functioning people died early. What has humanity become
    Still don’t understand why people are obsessed with abs, nor do I understand why people shame others for looking weird
    Can’t say I deal with criticism well as I’m very sensitive

    I also struggle with low self esteem as I often feel like I have nothing to offer, even though reality is I have plenty to offer

    I don’t really interact with others but it’s not necessarily a good thing as I also need some social interactions to keep me afloat
    Controversial take: the western society is designed to make people feel dysfunctional. Dysfunction is what they want. No wonder there are so many broken people

    I need to get away from the scene, the crime scene that is causing mayhem. Only then I can rebuild myself, my identity, self worth
    @Markness I will admit I am both. I can be dysfunctional while also not dysfunctional. Depends on the environment
    I agree. It's like they want the cookie-cutter human, and if you've got any significant deficit, you just kind of get tossed aside. People of all varieties could benefit and strengthen society, but a lot of us struggle to keep up.
    Not sure about woke culture lies, these bikers merging into politics. Are these same bikers who burning forest holes to extract crystal meth from sinus meds, What do we know about speed and speech issues, emotions?Something about beards that I'm allergic too in men, I really hate frizzled orangey tints it's about cheaper than fake yellow hair.
    Remember when I said I wouldn’t date Chinese women?

    Now I’m all about dating them. I’m all in on the idea

    My opinions are always changing as new information piles in, new perspective being born

    I have soften a lot of my stances. I’m sure my take on feminism will change as I’m no longer in Canada
    Situational update 2:

    Like someone said, I’m a man with dignity. If I see a group with small penis energy, I steer clear. No need to engage with garbage

    I’m never going back to that group, this time is official. I have burned every bridge that existed. Feeling relieved as I do better without unnecessary distractions
    @Kavigant don’t know how else to explain but I guess what I meant was people whom are not compatible with me

    When I said small penis energy, I meant those who are petty, blames you for everything, narrow minded

    Again, I’m not the best at expressing verbally so forgive me. You can ask more questions if you want
    No worries - I'm not offended or anything! I just thought I'd let you know that some people will make some pretty strong negative assumptions based on certain phrases you used.
    It's good to get away from people who bring you down.
    @Kavigant there are so many meetup groups so why focus on a group that doesn’t fit my need right?

    I don’t need them to live good anyways so I’m ok
    If you are in Toronto, don’t join the full spectrum social meetup group

    They might seem cool but they don’t discuss big ideas, nor do they condone intelligence

    If you are a person of color, outspoken like myself, forget about it
    Just remember that you having a bad experience doesn't mean everyone else would. That's over-generalization.
    People keep saying I can’t speak English

    Do they not know there are those with social anxiety? I don’t feel comfortable speaking to those whom I know I will judge me
    I swear some autistic groups are designed for idiots

    How you call yourself an autistic group but promote ABA? How you call yourself the leader of an autistic group but keep vouching for autism speaks?

    I will speak out against what I find it’s wrong and if they don’t like it, shame on them
    did you personally experience ABA?
    I did. They told me that I need to fix myself

    The ones that need fixing are them. Maybe they should’ve thought about things from a person of color’s perspective instead
    Unfortunately ABA is heavily promoted in US and Canada. So it's not that surprising that a group would promote it. Although a little research would clearly indicate it can have a profoundly traumatic impact on patients who undergo such treatment.
    Situational update; so remember when I said I had to quit a group due to bullying, and bad people?

    Apparently the organizer wants me back, don’t know why. I don’t want to go back but a part of me also wishes to challenge myself, sort of

    I don’t know if I wish to engage with these people as it just happened
    I wouldn't join back. You closed the door and showed, that you have dignity. Those people are still there, behind that door.
    Something to consider, is that people can manipulate. The organizer could be being genuine. Or they are putting on a guilt trip, to get you to come back.

    Trust what you know is true. If the organizer has never done anything about those that bully you. Then don't listen to the coaxing to come back.
    I won’t go back

    The co organizer is still blaming me, saying I’m toxic and stuff. Yeah I made mistake, messed up but guess what? Not everything is my fault

    The group isn’t for me. As for the others, I don’t care about them. They don’t place any importance in my life
    Do you guys wish there are spaces where people can chill?

    Some days I just want to relax as it helps with my mind
    Nature helps me, the wilder - the better.
    I made a mistake arguing with a few idiots on discord

    It’s all good. I’m doing fine. People are here are cool, so I will talk more, I suppose
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