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  • I think the more I advance in my life, the less risk I’m willing to take. I’m also change averse even though I always hated it

    Truthfully, I had a easier time taking calculated risks when I had nothing as I had nothing to lose, nothing to worry

    Somehow it can’t be overcomed, rather it can only be tamed
    I’m glad I didn’t go camping

    Feel much better sleeping at home, though I get bored and lonely at times. It happens to everyone though, we all go through stuff
    Glad you are doing okay. I am losing my freedom, l actually love being single. But it's better for me to be with a guy friend now.
    I think too much, that’s my issue

    I wish I can be more free but it’s on my part to be free
    I love Indian people but seeing them everywhere irks me

    I can’t go around town anymore without seeing them, them family. It’s infuriating
    What is infuriating about seeing family groups around town?
    Lots of them

    It reminds me how out of control everything is
    I just went through an intense panic attack, 20 minutes ago

    I legit don’t like crowds. They anger me
    I can hit panic level, my anxiety is worse. That's some of the reason l am living with someone, l feel more grounded.
    I have a question for those living in Northern Europe

    I’m currently looking into countries like Norway, Sweden, Switzerland. Scandinavia is an option too

    What’s life like? What is the cost of living? Is it neurodivergent friendly? Is it friendly for foreigners? Lot of questions, thanks
    Like anywhere, if one is rich, one can avoid the dumb masses. Scandinavia subsumes Norway and Sweden. Denmark is a cleaner, tidier Britain. Sweden has a nasty problem of integrating their non-Swedish poplulation, *cough*, and Switzerland, is just lovely. Neurodivergent friendly, meh, most people still don't know what it means.

    Hope this helps.
    I was looking into Japan but no thanks

    The culture there isn’t for me
    I have a quick question: how do you guys process all the information out there, aka garbage on the internet

    Not going to lie, all the information as well as knowledge is current confusing me, and I hate it
    Indeed. To quote Ringo Starr, "You know it don't come easy!"

    One of the first things I do when wanting to confirm a story and its facts is to check the wire services (Reuters,UP, AP). If they print it, it is likely confirmed well beyond just a rumor or media stunt.
    Knowing that it's just a bunch of noise allows me to ignore things that aren't conductive to my life and goals. I think even neurotypicals get overwhelmed by it, and focus is really becoming more important as time goes on
    I use ... my "science lab" which I should know as Computer Electronician (www.forum.projectregial.one) ... but i'm not a bad electronitian even FWIIW
    I might get extreme hate for saying this but I’m sick of living in North America

    I’m not sure if the society is fit for me. Struggling with emotional issues, mental issues

    I cant go back to China, won’t. I don’t know where else can I go that fits me
    People seem to love invalidating others for some reason

    Hey it’s all good on my part though, even though I don’t get it
    Anybody heard of the YouTube channel the thought spot?

    Irene is quite good and I love her content. As a single guy, I was just watching one of her episodes she made, on relationships

    Even though it was painful, I sat through as I needed to hear that. Uncomfortable discussions make us grow

    I realized how much I lack in relationships, or maybe not. Maybe I haven’t actively searched
    People love to say all I do is think

    First of all, their opinions do not matter. Second, breakthroughs often come from extensive thinking so it’s good

    I also write a lot. How do you think I have a wide catalog? Listening to music, extensive reflecting, research, reading different books. Different things, different elements
    Thinking is the hardest work there is. That is why so few men engage in it. -Henry Ford
    Apparently, due to my autistic nature, I’m been seen as whiny and weak

    Well, that’s their opinion

    That being said, autism shouldn’t be the reason why people like myself get criticized. I didn’t choose autism, autism chose me and I’m glad
    Having a rough night. I was bullied on Facebook so I deleted my account

    Great decision but I’m still shook by what happened. Wish I can have a friend in real life who can support me
    Does anyone feel like they need to be more stoic?

    I admit I’m hard on myself but I constantly feel like I’m not good enough and I need to do better
    Not really.
    I am stoic in some things, but I think it might get rather boring if I embrace it entirely.
    I see it as a coping "module". :cool:
    I wish neurotypicals can stop acting like phonies

    Stop acting like you love someone when you don’t
    so true
    Deception comes more easily to NTs than most ppl on the spectrum.
    We are the odd ones out, unfortunately.
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