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  • It’s Canada Day, yet there’s nothing to do

    I dread holidays, I really do
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    They really should have called it Canaday 🙂

    You know what they say, you don't have more fun than you make yourself.
    I should’ve stayed home instead

    Way too many people outside
    I just realized something: I am socially awkward, really awkward

    That said, I love hanging out in the background, listening

    It’s truly unexplainable. Maybe it is
    Weird question: do you feel comfortable chipping in for content creators you love?

    I started a monthly donation of 5 dollars. The content creator is the autistic woman. I love her content, love her work, can relate to her
    Pride parade ends tomorrow. As a self diagnosed bisexual man, I’m proud that it is happening

    Gay lives matter
    Apparently Seattle’s most expensive penthouse is up for sale right now, at a cool 12 million

    Not sure if I will move there though, or can afford buying the property
    I mean, I know people get kinda weird about "views"... down on the island (Anna Maria) you'd have a house near the beach but not ON it, expensive enough, but take the same house and move it across the street and suddenly it's 7 million more, only difference, beach connects to house. Never made sense to me.
    it’s near space needle, heart of downtown

    The condo is also the premium condo in Seattle
    I'm living in a house that has a full view of a major city with easy access to that city, and has a lot more privacy and square feet. There are still condos in the city that are worth more than the house. All I can say is that people are silly.
    Just read an article somewhere that autistic people in general have a hard time dating

    So as it turns out, maybe it has nothing to do with race after all. I mean even white guys struggle sometimes, and I’m surprised
    I struggled for a time, succeeded, then stopped caring.
    even long before i joined this site, over the years, i've noticed that it is sadly not unusual and not unheard of for lots of autistic men to become 30 and 40 year old virgins or older, yes its even not unheard of for lots of NT men like that as well, but for men with autism, i'm sure without question more common.
    Anybody feel disinterest in life?

    I have no interest in walking, too lazy to do so
    This sounds a lot like the symptoms of depression.
    As it turns out, the reason why I don’t understand relationships is because I have no idea what a successful relationship is. The only successful relationship I know is the one my parents is having

    Also I’m not super connected to my emotions. I mask 80% of the time, don’t speak much and never express my true thoughts

    I’m only me when I’m by myself. The works will never see it
    Was listening to lot of music today lullaby by the cure being one of them.
    Was thinking of the crow, watching my boy skating, thinking of my half with mom
    I was riding the streetcar today, wondering about something

    Why do people get into relationships? Why do toxic relationships exist?

    I mean I don’t know a thing so I can’t common but to me all of this seem weird, like none of it makes sense
    I had to cut off a lot of relationships today, toxic ones

    Did a major cleaning of my phone, including contacts

    I feel vulnerable but I trust my gut
    Sounds like you made a positive step forward, Kevin. :)
    Yes, you need to have people who make you feel safe and understood.
    A productive move, Kevin. "Look out for number one".
    I do not understand neurotypicals

    Don’t create false expectations if you can’t deliver

    I hate it when people say they will come at 4 but never show up. My time is valuable and I hate being coaxed. If there are no expectations, then I’d rather do my own stuff instead

    I hate socializing
    I'm with you there. A local dog groomer advertised a 9.00am start. I booked my dog in for that time (on various occasions - I didn't learn my lesson) and he was always late. I can cut some slack for occasional tardiness but being always late is so rude.
    @Masaniello me too. Plus it shows that person don’t care

    I had cut his contact from me, remove it. I kind of regret it but not really
    Subtle racism is real

    The way people see me, the expression is different. It’s almost like I’m a nuance just existing

    I also find people not wanting to interact with me. I give out creeper vibes even though I don’t intend to do so

    It’s like being an Asian man is a problem
    It can be hard to tell whether it's racism as such when there is such a wide variety of reasons for people to hate, and race is just one of them. But it's possible.
    Maybe just walked. People think I'm a blue eyed idiot,
    Remember as young women tying my boyfriend up, had done my eyes smokey and was on spidergirl tangent.....
    He was happy, I wasn't so I left him tied up. Got phone call later

    Maybe it's just like misunderstood, he thought x, and young impulsive expressive me was on y tangent.

    I think moral of story is don't pick up stray dogs
    Do you guys ever catch yourself overthinking things that do not matter?
    All the time...because I give that a lot of thought as well.

    Seriously though, it's who and what we are to do so. Not really sure if there exists a surefire way to subdue it.
    I tell myself l am overthinking, then l distract myself to do something else.
    @Aspychata I’m the same. I don’t think about those things, I try to

    It doesn’t make it easier though but there’s less distractions
    Just know one thing: you don’t have to be open to everything

    You don’t have to accept everything the world offers. Doesn’t mean you are close minded though. It just means you have your own interests and specialities
    Sometimes knowing too much does more harm than good

    When you are in too ingrained in a culture, you see the good bad and flat out ugly. The way you see things will be different than those on the outside

    That being said, I’m learning to be more objective towards certain things. I’m quite judgemental, something I have learned over the last few years
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