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  • Visiting the dentist on Friday

    There’s an additional tooth that needs to be filled, as there’s cavity around

    Feeling extremely nervous, scared in fact. I hope I manage to stay alive, we will see
    You got this. But l hate dentists.
    thanks man

    Kind of nervous about the whole procedure but I will talk to the dentist
    I want to commit suicide

    This is no point anymore
    @Aspychata not great but better

    I’m dealing with tooth issues, cavities issues to be exact

    It was painful. Took some meds, seeing if it will get better
    Mouth pain, that's bad. I get that. Take care of yourself!
    It’s mainly cavity. No pain, doesn’t affect eating but it’s an annoying problem to have

    Very minor cavity. Very fixable
    No one wants to deal with health problems but here I am

    My left tooth hurts. Dentist appointment is on Friday, definitely need to check it out
    I just realized: I’m far from ok

    I just don’t think about certain things, doesn’t mean I’m ok with it
    It’s hard to eat good food when you can only afford McDonald’s

    I can’t afford healthy food anymore. I don’t want to live in Toronto anymore
    Absolutely those are high

    Shoplifting has increased dramatically since Covid and I don’t blame them
    Shoplifting in US is horrendous. Walmart closed down a couple stores just due to theft. Target is putting items in locked cages. Home Depot is starting the same. Try looking at protein powders, you get up to 18-20 grams of pure protein, (whey, pea) for about two dollars a serving. Mix into water, coffee, seltzer, yogurt. There is flavored protein powders, and plain powders, (no flavor).
    Will look into that. Thanks
    Do not laugh at anyone

    They say I'm from a third world country. They forget my family got 10 total properties, two mansions worth 15 mil and multiple luxury cars, including one Benz, one BMW, one Lexus

    My family is richer than a lot of people in so called first world countries. Who is the real clown in this situation?

    Keep the same energy, for everyone, rich or poor, regardless what ethnicity they are
    Understanding what’s at stake helps you understand where’s your place

    Look, many people like me, are waiting for a fair trial. I been fighting for my whole life for justice.

    Quit demonizing people who aren’t demons to begin with
    As a minority in a system designated for the majority, I’m destined to fail

    The moment I was born, they told me I stood no chance, wrote me off

    It’s like putting you in a supermax, you already know your fate
    Just thinking about my childhood friend makes me sad

    Me and her, we grew apart, our journeys were different and we took on different paths

    I don’t know if I want to talk to her. Part of me wants to move on but part of me kind of want to say hi one more time
    People gon criticize you for something that’s personal

    I try to understand and I always listen, even if I might not agree

    To bad most can’t do that and it’s sad
    Can never understand those who come here with a sense of entitlement

    Look, I don’t know everything but I do know something: having respect

    I came from nothing man. My family came here with 50 dollars, two bags and we had to live in a place with no elevators, no ACs, no nothing

    I don’t care what some of these fools do back home, but one thing is clear: you come here, you don’t integrate, then get out
    My problems all comes down to one thing: the perfectionist mindset

    I try to do too much at times, that’s because I deal with anxiety

    I put too much pressure on myself, which is detrimental
    Think about something: it’s ok to not listen to everybody’s opinions

    In fact, saying no to others doesn’t mean you are closed off. Rather, it means you have matured and you have your own identity

    Heads up
    Having a really tough day so far

    Dealing with something that’s hard to open my mouth

    I find it impossible to seek help
    Hard to open your mouth?
    I find that I can’t handle pressure

    It hits me harder than most
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