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Hello, I'm Neia, and I think I might be on the spectrum.

The clothing thing makes me think of how I shop. I feel of the clothes I might like before even trying them on.
The feel is the most important.
I do the same, it gets me funny looks but I don't care. I walk past clothing racks feeling everything, if I touch particularly staticy nylon I'll snatch my hand back and wipe it on my trouser leg to try and get rid of the feeling.
I do the same, it gets me funny looks but I don't care. I walk past clothing racks feeling everything, if I touch particularly staticy nylon I'll snatch my hand back and wipe it on my trouser leg to try and get rid of the feefeeling
For me it's not the static, even if I don't like that either. It's the yucky sensation that I get on my hands when I touch some fabrics.

I actually have a feeling of repulse and do what you do, I'll wipe my hands on my own clothes to try and get rid of the yuck.

I also can't stand to feel my hands sticky or greasy, or even wet. I don't know how some people open kitchen cabinets with dirty or wet hands 😬 when I see that I have to fight the urge to wipe/clean the spot they touched and tell them not to be gross.
I get really annoyed with women that want to hug you instead of shaking hands. Partly because I don't like being touched casually by people, it's exactly the opposite in a relationship. But there seems to be a "type" for women that like hugging people - they all wear nylon. You have to smile and reciprocate but it grosses me out on so many levels.
Ooof 😬
When someone drenched in strong perfume sits near you in a doctor's wating room🥴 and you can't escape because you have an important appointment.
A group of late teenage boys on the bus that have sprayed an entire can of Lynx over themselves. I actually can't cope with that one, I have to get off at the next stop.

Department stores that have huge displays of ladies cosmetics right near the front door, the stench nearly chokes me. And if some shop's got an incense or oil burner going I'm not going in there either.
My favourite vision of Hell is being stuck in a crowded lift full of sweaty aftershave/perfume laden people in a building of endless floors, and mine is the last one! 😉
My variation of Sartre's version of being stuck in room with the same group people for eternity!
After reading back through these threads I'm wondering if we're making Neia feel at home or scaring the poor girl. :)
A group of late teenage boys on the bus that have sprayed an entire can of Lynx over themselves. I actually can't cope with that one, I have to get off at the next stop.

Department stores that have huge displays of ladies cosmetics right near the front door, the stench nearly chokes me. And if some shop's got an incense or oil burner going I'm not going in there either.

I'll start sneezing sometimes, then get a headache, and the scents drive me away.

Why do they do it? Do they really believe that everyone likes that cacophony of smells?
After reading back through these threads I'm wondering if we're making Neia feel at home or scaring the poor girl. :)
Definitely feeling at home 😂 finally someone doesn't think I'm "just being difficult" because I complain about sounds and smells 😅
Why do they do it? Do they really believe that everyone likes that cacophony of smells?
And in the large shopping centres all the shops play their own music and the volume keeps getting higher and higher as they tried to drown each other out. I miss the covid lockdowns, we only got 6 weeks of lockdown here and it was a fairly lax lockdown as well. The shopping centre was so peaceful, I loved it.
My favourite vision of Hell is being stuck in a crowded lift full of sweaty aftershave/perfume laden people in a building of endless floors, and mine is the last one! 😉
My variation of Sartre's version of being stuck in room with the same group people for eternity!
Try a bus with someone so encrusted with cigarette smoke that when they enter the bus it's like all oxygen is depleted and the air becomes heavy and unbreathable. Mix that with the stench of garlic and rancid wine and you have a nightmarish trip.
And in the large shopping centres all the shops play their own music and the volume keeps getting higher and higher as they tried to drown each other out. I miss the covid lockdowns, we only got 6 weeks of lockdown here and it was a fairly lax lockdown as well. The shopping centre was so peaceful, I loved it.
I keep telling people that I loved and miss the quietness of lockdown. It was so good being able to go outside and nit be stopped by a neighbour wanting to chat
I keep telling people that I loved and miss the quietness of lockdown. It was so good being able to go outside and nit be stopped by a neighbour wanting to chat
South Australia's largest shopping centre at Marion, and other than staff working in all the shops there was only me and two cops. I stopped and talked to the cops for a while, they were bored out of their skulls.
South Australia's largest shopping centre at Marion, and other than staff working in all the shops there was only me and two cops. I stopped and talked to the cops for a while, they were bored out of their skulls.
Ah... the good old days 😅
loved and miss the quietness of lockdown.
It was sheer bliss!
I remember going for walks for an hour or two just for the complete "day of the triffids" of it all! Hardly a person anywhere, occasionally seeing someone a few hundred yards away, quickly scurrying to the other side of the road. An occasional curtain twitch, and otherwise no-one but me! Glorious!
I kept thinking, "why don't we always have lock downs?" 😏
For me lockdown meant not having to pretend all the time.
There was hardly anyone to interact with outside, so I could just relax most if the time.

The shock of the end of lockdown was tough.
Likewise, but I was really lucky in some ways, having a work from home job that even now hasn't returned to proper office working. Great not to have to suffer that horrible office environment, not just the people, but the whole thing, the lighting alone is vile, the layout unpleasant, and to top it off, it's located inside a ruddy shopping centre! 🤢

But it has made me much more withdrawn too, I hardly interact with people face to face any more. And thankfully I don't have to use my laptop video in work calls and meetings (although I wonder if it's them that are better off for it! 🤨)
The clothing thing makes me think of how I shop. I feel of the clothes I might like before even trying them on.
The feel is the most important.
I just wear the same set of clothing everyday in different colors. Organic cotton. No need to shop or match.

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