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Hello, I'm Neia, and I think I might be on the spectrum.

Grey trousers, black tee-shirt, black jacket, dark blue socks - I keep being head hunted by all the top fashion houses for new ideas and great styles of clothing!
Anything darkish, no artificial material, but mostly just not uncomfortable, who cares what it looks like?
Clothing is something to avoid getting cold and/or being arrested for indecency.
(I could never understand how the body could be indecent? Doesn't that mean we are all indecent under our clothes? Hmmm...)
I mostly only wear cotton. There's some clothing made of bamboo fibre and that's really nice and soft too, my thick winter socks are made of bamboo. I get funny looks from people about the way I shop too, one day I saw pairs of jeans out on special that were exactly the right cut for me. I bought 6 pairs, $6.50 each, wasn't going to let that bargain pass me by. I'll still be wearing them for a few more years yet.
I didn't know bamboo is now used for material, I wish hemp was more popular too. Apparently nearly two thirds of material production is based on synthetic fibres sourced from oil! Don't hear many people shouting about that when it comes to climate pollution! (oops, my soapbox got free for min - sorry! muzzled it again!)
How do people wear nylon? 😬
I didn't know bamboo is now used for material, I wish hemp was more popular too.
Hemp was a bit of a fad here for a while but it died out again pretty quickly too. Too many typical Sydney wankers going for the get rich quick scheme and overpricing everything so no true market base ever evolved.

Australia is a part of Asia though and our biggest trading partner by far is China, so unless you're overly conscious of fashion labels clothing is very cheap here, and China are the undisputed kings of bamboo.
Bamboo can be a good product but depends on how it's processed, some methods are highly toxic in terms of chemicals used (likewise Rayon and similar wood-based materials). China has some nasty issues with cotton, as they use Uyghur's as slave labour for cotton picking and a lot of companies use this as a source (who shouldn't!), but consumers can't tell.
Hemp is about 3 times more productive than cotton, and requires much less, even no pesticides etc. Also about 4 times more hardwearing than cotton and wicks better.
My best guess is it doesn't make the profit's other materials can make without the slave labour to back it up, so not so popular once the fad wear's off with customers. I propose they use cannabis plants as an added attraction!
"Hey man, I'm feeling so mellow, I'm gunna smoke my underwear!" 🥴
"Let's pop down to Marks and Spencer's and score a pair of socks!"
Headlines: Shock Horror! Munchie Maddened Dior Model's Attack Fast Food Outlet!
We're slowly phasing out cotton production here and so is China, hence the bamboo clothing. Cotton requires too much water and in a country like Australia that's a hefty hit to the environment that we can no longer afford.

We also have serious concerns about growing bamboo here, it loves our climate and takes off like an invasive weed. We already went through a very expensive bamboo eradication program back in the 80s, we don't want to go there again.
I get funny looks from people about the way I shop too, one day I saw pairs of jeans out on special that were exactly the right cut for me. I bought 6 pairs, $6.50 each, wasn't going to let that bargain pass me by. I'll still be wearing them for a few more years yet.
I doubt you would find those prices in Sydney.
Hemp was a bit of a fad here for a while but it died out again pretty quickly too. Too many typical Sydney wankers going for the get rich quick scheme and overpricing everything so no true market base ever evolved.
Yep, Sydney prices are pretty bad.
I didn't realise that until your mentioning it over time.
Come to the UK for a £100 pair of Levis! They may be made just as badly, but the name is worth £90 alone! 😖
We also have serious concerns about growing bamboo here, it loves our climate and takes off like an invasive weed. We already went through a very expensive bamboo eradication program back in the 80s, we don't want to go there again.
Quite right too, should replace it with Japanese Knotweed! 🙄

Hmmm, wandering off-topic yet again! Doh!
the three seashells real autistics all use instead of toilet paper.
Now that's just nasty! Can I join in? 🤣
Got to love a movie trope or two!

There again, how'd we get toilet paper when swearing here isn't allowed! 🤔

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