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Hello, I'm Neia, and I think I might be on the spectrum.

The prankster in me wants to tell Neia about the three seashells real autistics all use instead of toilet paper.
Can I tell you that I don't like soft, cushiony toilet paper? 🤫

It's a tric to get people pay more for a product that is useless for it's purpose.

🫣 I have this thing about toilet paper, I only like and buy the "real" stuff 😆😅
If there ever was a product that doesn't need frills, this is it! 😆
It's a tric to get people pay more for a product that is useless for it's purpose.
I never understood the panic buying during covid, people buying toilet paper because of a respiratory illness. Maybe other people breathe differently to me. :D
I never understood the panic buying during covid, people buying toilet paper because of a respiratory illness. Maybe other people breathe differently to me. :D
It was just because they were afraid of being 'wiped out'!

But definitely interesting to see the priorities of those who were (in UK anyway) filling their 4x4's with trolley loads of the stuff, it was another week before they thought of stock piling all the dried rice and pasta!
"Let them eat toilet paper" says Marie Antoinette!
I do wonder if the wealthier people are more prone to selfish behaviour in a crisis, or whether most of us (in general, not people here) would do the same given the resources to make it easy to do so?

I'd like to think I wouldn't, but who knows? Does anyone have a few hundred grand (ukp of course!) to donate to an interesting experiment...?
I never understood the panic buying during covid, people buying toilet paper because of a respiratory illness. Maybe other people breathe differently to me. :D
It's funny that I never lacked tp the whole duration of the pandemic, and I never hoarded any.

I didn't see the point. I mean, don't people know that fabric works as well, and it can be washed and reused.
There's an urban myth up in Darwin that all the people at the Bureau of Meteorology are on the take. Large supermarket chains pay them to use the word Cyclone because it triggers panic buying and they can get rid of all their outdated stock. :)
I didn't see the point. I mean, don't people know that fabric works as well, and it can be washed and reused.
Or they can just wash themselves.

Fact: by definition, 49% of the world's population are of less than average intelligence. :)
Or they can just wash themselves.

Fact: by definition, 49% of the world's population are of less than average intelligence. :)
Or simply weren't taught how to think through situations.

Finding solutions for conundrums is fun! If people knew about that...
don't people know that fabric works as well, and it can be washed and reused.
Actually, I think that commerce has done an outstanding job of persuading most people that unsustainable wastage is far more hygienic (in social settings, not medical), when it's actually convenience and greater profit that drives this mis-messaging. My sister and her wife used to do similar instead of using disposable period products, and never had any problems (I think they picked that up in India).
49% of the world's population are of less than average intelligence. :)
Surely not such a small number! 🤣🤣🤣
(Am I being 'mean'?)
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Finding solutions for conundrums is fun! If people knew about that...
When panic hits, intelligence drops dramatically.

In fact, we're genetically evolved to behave like that. Critical thinking in the conscious mind is very slow, hard work, and unsuited to fight or flight responses. Panic tends to shut down most peoples critical facilities (whatever they had of them to start with). Also, resource gathering is another response pre-programmed in. Any idea of scarcity of any sort and the gathering process kicks in.

But it does tickle me that peoples bottoms were their primary concern in a pandemic!
Neia, I skipped a bunch of of pages because I wanted to say "Howdy to yah!"

Everything you said about the feelings & effect of our specific strangeness in your early posts is so spot-on that I can imagine writing them myself... (If I were a better writer).

Well met!
Neia, I skipped a bunch of of pages because I wanted to say "Howdy to yah!"

Everything you said about the feelings & effect of our specific strangeness in your early posts is so spot-on that I can imagine writing them myself... (If I were a better writer).

Well met!
Howdy! 😅
Nice to meet you.

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