As much as I drink (drank…still drinking) I never got the ‘shakes’.I was functional with being an alcoholic for 3 years . I had to drink everyday ,at every family function ,at every interaction with people . Never to get trashed but to relax all my anxiety and to help sleep and try to help me be social. And if there was problems in my relationship, instead of learning how to communicate I just drank .
I realized I was going down a dark path and quit cold turkey . I had bad shaking and felt like I was dying for a few weeks . It eventually went away .
I won’t lie Alcohol worked very well for me . I realized this is only temporary solution, but the dependency was the problem . I realized this will get very dangerous very fast . There is so much more I wanted to do with my life at that point instead of being dependent on alcohol to function .
I didn’t drink for a few years after .
Now I can have a drink on occasion and enjoy myself .
If you’re comfortable with me asking: We’re you drinking in the morning before you quit? I only ask because it makes no sense that I’m in this situation and I can stop for a few days without any withdrawals. I’m putting away enormous amounts of alcohol and it hasn’t negatively affected my life except for the concerns my wife has for my general well-being.