You're not alone.
I never learned to ride a bike properly, finally at 54 years of age, I realised Asperger's was the reason, also explained a lot of other stuff.
I used alcohol because "everyone normal does on a weekend night" and told myself I enjoyed it when I didn't.
I started drugs pretty late in life, I did enjoy recreational drugs, so much so, I neglected my home repairs. I did have an addiction. Drugs were my autistic special interest, I talked about them.
I also used them as "utility drugs" to get through the day, like speed. It gave me a fake zest for life, but I went off it.
I don't see my Asperger's as problem, it's a blessing in many ways, but I did discover the start of a property/legal/financial problem in 2010, and got on hard drugs.
This practical problem became more burdensome and I could not see a practical solution and I started obsessing about "eventual homelessness" and "leasehold" is a swear word.
I am no longer infatuated with drugs, my doctor is helping me off tranquillisers and I take a smaller and smaller amount of kratom each day, and look forward to getting to 0
I can work on the childhood trauma problems, but I cannot see a solution for the practical problems, all I know it is not drugs.
I masked so much so, that I acquired a personality disorder around identity, with a sexy title

Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, so I ever decided use dating sites it's not something I would put on.
I hope this post has helped you feel less alone.