If you didn't know, I am over 60, hence the sizable life experience in a capsule of comedic commentary.OP, were being serious or joking about being a bachelor?
I am going to allow my approximate age to be shown publicly, to avoid confusion.
I was being serious.
I am not BF material.
I am a loner, and have been for most of my life.
I find a GF/BF relationship too difficult.
I have just come out of a significant-other relationship and don't want to go though loosing another friend.
I value life long friendships too much.
I am interested in deeper platonic friendships/companionship, but nothing below the belt.

Romances are much too complicated for me.
I can barely look after myself, let alone being in a family situation.
It isn't uncommon for others on the spectrum to voice this realisation about themselves.
Me?Do you have any more helpful advice?
Are you serious?
I am full of it.
Ask anyone.
Ask anyone.

Ask me in another 20 years.Does anyone here have any more helpful advice on this subject? Like article links, etc. Thanks, much appreciated. I know this is about past relationships. Does anyone want to try again?