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If you were honest with yourselves, how many of you hate having this condition?

Many autistics get into drugs and alcohol too, usually to win approval of their peers and fit in. I never went down that road but many do.
Many autistics get into drugs and alcohol too, usually to win approval of their peers and fit in. I never went down that road but many do.
Not having friends may have saved my life. I am naturally an addict, but I've never once tested drugs.
This might be a bit personal but is it temporary sadness or long term? Long term depressives have a feeling of having nothing to lose when it comes to experimenting with drugs.
This might be a bit personal but is it temporary sadness or long term? Long term depressives have a feeling of having nothing to lose when it comes to experimenting with drugs.
I've had a mixture of depression and anxiety (and possibly have Bipolar Disorder) for longer than 25 years. For most of that time, I haven't been in treatment. Still, I haven't had one cigarette, I never did drugs and the only drinking I do is not-very-strong wine for religious purposes.
This might be a bit personal but is it temporary sadness or long term? Long term depressives have a feeling of having nothing to lose when it comes to experimenting with drugs.
Well I've been sad ever since I got diagnosed with Asperger's at age 9, plus I've always had severe anxiety, so it is probably a lifelong unhappiness of living in my own skin. I try to sleep to escape, although this causes insomnia at nighttime.
You can say no to excessive food...
Of course, though it's much easier said than done. My point is that eating is different than most other addictions, in that you can't practice complete abstinence and continue living. This is why I question those who insist that complete abstinence is an absolute requirement for the ones dealing with other addictions.
Of course, though it's much easier said than done. My point is that eating is different than most other addictions, in that you can't practice complete abstinence and continue living. This is why I question those who insist that complete abstinence is an absolute requirement for the ones dealing with other addictions.
The same is true for sex addictions & money vs. greed/materialism.
They are distortions of legitimate appetites.
Only Jesus offers a fix for their root problem.
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