What discourages me a lot is that women in my area tend to marry early so it feels like the chances for me to meet single women are slim or nonexistent.
I just have so many questions and I get confused easily.
How early is "early?" For many years I sought out relationships with young ladies in their teens, for both religious and personality (I am an Aspie) reasons. On the religious grounds I would only consider a virgin for a potential bride since I am an Orthodox Christian and the Bible teaches no sex outside of marriage - anything else is fornication or adultery - and in looking for a life partner I insisted on someone who shared my basic moral values. Obviously, your chances of finding a virgin are much higher with girls in their teens than with older females. From the personality standpoint, I was socially inept as would be expected with my condition and extremely awkward in talking to women. Even teens were more socially advanced than I, but the gap was less than with older ladies, and teens are sometimes flattered by being asked out by an older man. Of course, there are many obstacles put in the way of someone pursuing my strategy, particularly in western countries where such age gap relationships are typically looked down upon due to ageist stereotyping. Well, I tried the above strategy through my 20's, 30's, and 40's. I did succeed in making a number of lasting friendships (my best friend and my son's godmother is a lady I met when I was in my late 30's and who had just turned 14), but didn't find a romantic connection. Finally, at the age of 50, I decided to go the "mail order bride" route and made contact with a 19 year old Asian girl who was seeking a western pen pal. I answered her add, and we started corresponding. While I am awkward in person to person interactions, I am a good writer, and we got an excellent correspondence going. We took over a year to get to know each other this way (with a couple of brief phone calls also, though they were hard to do in her area and this was back in the 90's before all the Internet dating stuff). Well, to bring this long narrative to a close, I flew over to her country, met her and her family, and proposed. She accepted. We were married over there some time later and then I brought her to the USA. We have turned out to be a well matched couple in spite of the 31 year age gap, and celebrated our Silver Anniversary with a nice cruise to Iceland and northern Europe in 2023.
You might think about trying for the modern equivalent of a pen pal relationship with a young lady from overseas. You don't face the typical pressure that is present for people on the spectrum in "dating" situations - making a good first in-person impression, being able to keep a conversation going, reading body language and other nonverbal cues, etc. and you aren't under time pressure in getting to know the other person. If you are a good (or even decent) writer, this approach could prove fruitful for you.