You know I said this for a reason:
It's because of what you are doing right now.
It took me a long time to realize this myself. And my Uncle has brought it up plenty, about me. I use to not understand, but I see what he ment now.
You are doing things that set people off, whether you realize it or not. Then respond negatively to thier responses of leaving you out. Thinking it's all on them. When it's really you.
@Hypnalis is right. Conversation is alot of give and take. Willing to listen to others, as well as talking to them. And not beating the same personal talking points into people daily.
Thier willingness to listen to you. Comes from the willingness, on your end, to respect others as well. Personal interests to a lengthy degree and constant 'woe is me' talks, by default, cause people to disengage you. Because you are not saying anything THEY want to hear.
They are willing to be receptive, only for so long, to your issues or interests of yours. Until they can't anymore. Because it comes off as you not caring for what they had to say. Thus not respecting them.
You can look stuff up. Read how tos. But none of it will help, if the person looking for it isn't taking responsibility for themself. Which DOES involve being willing to admit you, yourself, are at fault
People do things for a reason. It can be unrelated to you, or because of you. Same with you. YOU do things for a reason, too. Nothing you do, is without a reason. Whether it's hang ups with past pain. A unwillingness to do things. A sense of pride in something you want to never be shattered. Constantly fearing this inevitability.
Before one can face the world. They must be willing to stare down the devil in thier heart, in defiance.