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The last thing that made you laugh

A strong teleogy, or drive towards a climatic ending, has been detected in the Aeneid. A precursor to much of literature, movies and televison. Wonder if this epic poem may have been the first to have this sort of ending? Beowulf, Metamorphoses, Oddessy, Gilgamesh, Roland, all have these kinds of ending, with death in battle, during adventure, meeting monsters, death by relatives or enemies, it does bear consideration.

“Popcorn is available at the interval.”
~ Virgil
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Courtesy the New Yorker:
I love seeing those weird articles in the news, like every now and then you hear a story about a bus or a lorry that's gotten jammed under a bridge.
I watch/read those stories and think "how on earth did the driver do that?"

Is it like how some drivers get a bit lairy and think "Screw it, there's no-one about, there's no cameras - I'll break the speed limit!"

Did the driver of the lorry below think the same?
"Screw it, there's no cameras - I'll break the height limit!"


(We Fit? I don't think you do, mate!)
Four monks are meditating in a monastery when, all of a sudden, the prayer flag on the roof starts flapping.

The youngest monk comes out of his meditation and says, "Flag is flapping."

The second, more experienced monk says, "Wind is flapping."

The third monk, who has been there for more than twenty years, says, "Mind is flapping."

The fourth monk, who is the eldest and most experienced, says, "Mouths are flapping!"


A boy was feeling very nervous about his first date, and so went to his father for advice.

"My son, there are three subjects that always work with women: food, family, and philosophy."

The boy picks up his date and they stare at each other for a long time. The boy's nervousness builds, but he then remembers his father's advice and asks the girl,

"Do you like potato pancakes?"

"No," comes the answer, and the silence returns like a suffocating blanket.

"Do you have a brother?"


After giving it some thought, the boy plays his last card: "If you had a brother, would he like potato pancakes?"
Here, a young man with a disability (born with one arm and no legs) turns it into an ability to scare the crap out of people for a Halloween Prank.

This is both funny and scary, so viewers be warned:

A philosopher once had the following dream.

First Aristotle appeared, and the philosopher said to him, "Could you give me a fifteen-minute capsule sketch of your entire philosophy?" To the philosopher's surprise, Aristotle gave him an excellent exposition in which he compressed an enormous amount of material into a mere fifteen minutes. But then the philosopher raised a certain objection which Aristotle couldn't answer. Confounded, Aristotle disappeared.

Then Plato appeared. The same thing happened again, and the philosophers' objection to Plato was the same as his objection to Aristotle. Plato also couldn't answer it and disappeared.

Then all the famous philosophers of history appeared one-by-one and our philosopher refuted every one with the same objection.

After the last philosopher vanished, our philosopher said to himself, "I know I'm asleep and dreaming all this. Yet I've found a universal refutation for all philosophical systems! Tomorrow when I wake up, I will probably have forgotten it, and the world will really miss something!" With an iron effort, the philosopher forced himself to wake up, rush over to his desk, and write down his universal refutation. Then he jumped back into bed with a sigh of relief.

The next morning when he awoke, he went over to the desk to see what he had written. It was, "That's what you say."
I've been quite stressed out recently so I bought a relaxation CD - Sound of the Ocean Waves.
When I played it, however, there was nothing on it. So, i took it back to the shop and told the bloke behind the counter that there was nothing on it, to which he replied "well the tide's out, isn't it?"

I bite my nails, sadly. It's a bad habit and it's killing my teeth. I should really take my shoes off before I do it, but screw it.

Speaking of shoes, I learned to tie my shoe laces this morning - which is amazing since I'm wearing sandals.

I'm staying in a nice place at the moment on my holiday, and I had a go in a Jacuzzi for the first time. It's fantastic; take all the water out and just float on the air - it's bloomin' brilliant.

I rang the shopping channel and they said "how can we help you?", to which I replied "I'm just looking at the moment, thanks".
I was giving my dog a treat today, and I decided to try and teach him to toss it up off of his nose and then catch it in his mouth. So I place on top of his muzzle, and sure enough his head flies up, and the treat goes flying half-way across the room.

Maybe you had to be there.
This made me smile:

Sedaka: Man leaves his cabin to go bear hunting. He starts out by heading due north, then goes due west where he finds and kills a bear. He then heads due east back to his cabin.

What color is the bear?

White.... He killed a polar bear cause he's at the north pole.

JustMax: You can't go north from the north pole...

TallyMan: Yes, for the joke to work he would need to go due south, then east then north and be back where he started. Or South, then west then north.

Lau: No. The wording is only slightly off. The deduction is correct - that the bear is white. The elaboration, that the hunter was AT the north pole, is inaccurate. It should say that he was NEAR the north pole.

In fact, he was at any distance of the form A/2+B/((2n+1)π) from the pole, where A is the distance he travelled in a straight line after setting off due north, B is the distance he travelled always due eastwards and n is the number of times he passed his cabin before stopping.
Aspie joke:

What I want to tell my wife when we are alone: "I love you more than anything, you bring balance to the chaos in my life, you are the part that holds my entire system together."

What I actually tell my wife when we are alone: "You remind me of waffles!"

In my spouses case: "You make me think of pancakes.":D:D:D
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