It is odd to me when a man seems to believe that he is somehow entitled to a woman of his own. While pursuing a relationship is a right, actually having a relationship is a privilege.
Wise up, boys. Women do not exist to fulfill your destiny, to produce your offspring, to gratify your sexual urges, or to even make your sandwiches. Women exist solely to fulfill their ambitions, not to support yours.
If women are not attracted to you, then it is because you are not attractive to women -- in order to attract women, you must first make yourself attractive to them.
Such simple concepts . . . yet many men seem to believe in non-existent misandrist conspiracies that were set up to reward only those men who are handsome, wealthy, and influential with the 'favors' a woman may offer. Such men will blame anyone and anything other than themselves for lack of 'success' with women.
Boys, if women want nothing to do with you, then look to yourselves to determine why. You don't need to be a genius to figure it out. If you can change what is causing women to reject you, then change it. If you cannot change it, then accept it and get on with your life.
I take exception to this for a few reasons.
First of all, this implies that her needs and desires are more important than mine. They aren’t.
You can go ahead and call me entitled. I see myself as a victim (the years of rejection being trauma, even attempted suicide over someone of the opposite sex), someone who’s had his heart broken and disappointed by women way too many times. If you haven’t walked in my shoes, then don’t judge.
I will say this, I absolutely believe I am worthy and deserving of a relationship and deserve much better from what I’ve gotten from women. You might say women have had the right not to be with me. That doesn’t mean they made the correct choice.
I know I’m flawed, I know I’m not perfect, but I’ve had many good qualities ascribed to me, not necessarily that I ascribed to myself.
If I am a good person, as many have told me, shouldn’t good things happen to good people? I often hear that saying, so if I am a good person (and that’s something only others can describe), then I would think (hope) some woman should notice I’m worth being with.
I believe I can treat a woman well, and in the brief romantic experiences I’ve had, I never had a fight or a major blowup with my partners.
Women can also feel sorry for me, too, maybe force themselves to like me or to put my desires ahead of theirs. They can do something for someone else out of the goodness of their heart, and I think women should feel bad for me, quite honestly.
Objectively, maybe I could’ve acted different towards a woman, but if some instances were my fault, I don’t believe all of them were, especially not if a woman tells me I didn’t do anything wrong, and if she’s telling the truth. So, yes, maybe I can bear some responsibility, but not all of it. I think women just overlook something good that falls into their lap.
I can be quirky, have always been socially awkward (though I’ve improved). My therapist still thinks it’ll happen for me, as she says I have a lot to offer (though women seldom take the time to take me up on this) and she said I’m personable.
I believe some of it through the years may have been in my control. Other instances, I think is just bad luck - women cancelling on me not once but twice, or someone showing interest in me for nearly three months before she decided now wasn’t the time for her.
I refuse to give up, and will not stop looking or trying until I’ve found the person, like so many believe I will. This is my life, and it isn’t fair that I haven’t had as much success as I should have, even if I’ve had more success than other men.
I’m not perfect, but I’m worth it.