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  • After going through my MacBook with a fine toothed comb, I freed up 700GB of space in total! It seems to be much snappier now too! :-)
    You're really good at technology you know? This stuff is pretty neat what you pull off.
    Thanks @Gerontius :-) It was really just a case of being persistent and looking for anything that was just sitting on the hard disk taking up space that could be moved to my network drive. It's amazing how much stuff accumulates in things like the downloads folder!
    I managed to free up 600GB of space on my laptop! :-) I don't usually let stuff accumulate like that on my computers. I like tidying stuff up even if it's just virtual. When this final folder gets uploaded to my network drive I will have a total of 650GB freed up! Yay! :-)
    Smart devices can really try your patience! I have spent waaaay too much time trying to get a motion sensor to turn on our porch lights when someone approaches the door. I gave it up for the day and I noticed just now its decided to start working on its own lol!
    AI getting pissy or having a sense of humor?.
    @Judge Maybe it's a bit of both. I'm wondering if it kinda calibrates itself over time to differentiate between a presence and no presence. I thought it may be detecting the porch lights as movement so it just ended up in a loop but after I gave up I noticed it was working like it should :-)
    I've had a bit of an "online hiatus". I've just not had much energy at all for a while. Not sure if it's a hangover from having COVID, but hopefully I'm getting a bit of energy back again :-) In other news, i finally fixed my messy tickley hair and dyed it purple, so I think thats a good sign :-)
    My daughter loved dying her hair in high school. Magenta color seem to appear many times. But her HS was laid back, so she didn't get bullied.
    @Aspychata I think purple is my new fav color right now :-) Normally I'm pretty neutral on colors but I'm liking purple at the moment! I usually don't like catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror but right now each time I do I just think "OMG! MY HAIR IS SO PURPLE!". I'm glad your daughters HS let her express herself :-) I got in so much trouble for dyeing my hair at school! Worth it though! :-)
    Thanks @Xinyta :-) I think I'm finally feeling like I'm getting somewhere near recovered. I had no doubts that COVID was awful but I guess you can't prepare for the reality of experiencing it first hand. It's an exhausting virus to deal with. I wouldn't wish it on anyone!
    I got a cheap second record player, a Victrola, it's pretty decent (certainly for £30 brand new), however I have it hooked up to studio monitors which I'm realising may not be a good choice as I keep having to change the EQ settings since they have a pretty flat frequency response. I may need to rethink this.
    I just spotted a fire in my neighbours house! The fire brigade just left, fortunately there was just mostly smoke damage. I guess my insomnia comes in handy occasionally!
    Insomnia saves the day! :)
    It certainly did @Aspychata I guess this could count as an example of the ND brain being an advantage to detect threats while others are asleep? :-) Either way I'm glad I spotted it before it became serious.
    We are hardwired to survive l guess.
    So when I had COVID really bad I decided to give myself something to look forward to and tracked down a repro cartridge of the game "Flashback" for my Atari Jaguar. I remember seeing it on demo in EB like 30 years ago and thought it looked amazing. Ironically it turns out it's rather awful to play. I wish I'd picked something else :confused:
    Yeah, that one is definitely sort of an acquired taste, I think. Another World (which came before it and is more well known) was similar. Amazing in a lot of ways, but very awkward to actually play.
    I think you are right, but Another World is definitely easier to play I think, the controls are much more predictable. I think the main problem is that Flashback doesn't seem to register controller input half the time. You also have to switch between different modes and by the time it's done that it's too late, mostly due to it not registering inputs.
    Still feeling pretty rubbish with COVID. It felt like I was over the worst and it seemed to come back with a vengeance :-( Fingers crossed I'm surely over the worst of it now and I will catch up with everyone here a bit more :-)
    Well, COVID is utterly horrid. I think I'm starting to feel better now. I still can't do much for very long without feeling like I'm going backwards. At least my girlfriend is feeling better, apart from a lingering cough. My dad is still feeling terrible and hasn't emerged from bed for days either. I hope you all stay clear of COVID guys! :-)
    Oh boy. You got thru this.
    My brother got Covid last summer, age 73. Now with a number of lingering symptoms.
    Thanks @DaisyRose chicken soup, hot drinks and warm baths definitely help. @Aspychata I really hope I'm getting over it :-) My girlfriend just tested negative so hopefully I'm just a couple of days behind her :-) I'm sorry to hear about your brother @Judge it must be awful to still have symptoms for this long :-( I hope he makes a full recovery!
    Oh dear :-( My girlfriend tested positive for COVID yesterday. She seems to be fending it off quite well :-) Today I'm feeling rather rough though. I haven't done a test yet, but I'm pretty sure I have it too :-(
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Sending warm feelings and hoping you both get through this well!
    I've been vaccinated @tree as due to other issues I'm considered a high risk for COVID. I just did a test and it's positive. I can't say I'm surprised, I feel darned awful. I managed to avoid COVID for years. Hopefully the vaccine will prevent it getting any worse and this will be over with in 5 days :)
    Oh and my girlfriend gets the vaccine too but I don't think she gets it twice a year like I do.
    I managed to replace the keyboard on my Dad's MacBook Pro. 67 screws on the keyboard alone! I managed not to lose any despite my clumsy hands and the tiny size of the screws. Magnets are definitely under appreciated :-)
    I've had a pretty nasty sudden ocular migraine :-( I think it's getting better, though my head hurts and I feel a bit sick. At least I can see properly again :-)
    Ugh, I used to have those regularly when under a lot of stress. They are bizarre, and frightening the first time it happens. Hope it goes away soon!
    I got a bit hyper focused today! My ZX Spectrum next was having issues with it's Realtime Clock, it turned out it was the HDMI display of all things! Lol! I actually quite enjoyed solving that. Today was a good day and a good brain day I think :-)
    I just found out that I have low vitamin D. This is the second time I think. Just looked into it and it could be why I have so many aches and pains and constant depression.
    I'm also on permanent vitamin D on order from my doctor, double dose at winter time.
    Thanks everyone! It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one. It seems that I've been prescribed some supplements according to the NHS app, so I'd imagine my doctor will be in touch soon. I hope that you've all found that the supplements help you! :-)
    I can't tell if they changed anything, it was found as part of the blood screening in my assessment process, which changed many things.
    Just received a generous box of tapes from eBay to record on :) The seller even included an extra tape and there's a few that haven't even been used before! Should be fun to record on them for a while and only £0.55 per tape! :)
    My new brand new vinyl copy of Smashing Pumpkins Adore just arrived. I have a bit of a backlog of records to get through but I think I will start with this first. I really like the cover art :-)
    It sounded amazing! And I made a tape copy of it using my new cassette recorder deck and that sounded brilliant too! You can't beat good old fashioned HiFi equipment! :-)
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