I honestly donโt know what to make of your posts when they are directed at me.
The consistent thread in my posts is that you need to act. And that to act effectively you need to develop some basic skills, and do some preparation.
Its not enough to listen to the "just be yourself and it will be fine" advice. For one of us it's actually potentially risky
Advice to that effect from women comes from people who've seldom, if ever, made an initial approach. What use is it to someone who almost always has to make the first approach, and who risks being poorly treated when they do?
The same from guys either means they've had a
lot of practice (so not comparable to your situation), or they read it in a women's magazine while waiting for a dentist appointment, and don't actually know what they're talking about.
So before action comes preparation and ideally some practice. In your case the next 5 or 10 interactions will be the practice.
Preparation doesn't have to be extensive, but you need a way to actually start a conversation
(failures in this area are an aspect of the terrible approach skills of most women).
I remember a scenario you raised here earlier. IIRC someone with a T-Shirt from a band you recognized?
You said you went back, but not IIRC what happened.
Did you prepare for the second interaction? If not, why not?
(at the very least you need to be
sure you don't appear "creepy")