This message isn't going to help open a discussion about your mutual situation.
Asking someone (a guy anyway) if "it's over because you got that impression" when you want to continue is "playing to lose".
You're priming him for an exit, when saying you want to stay together and offering a negotiation is the natural move.
Did you ever do that?
Back to your earlier posts, some straight ASD talk:
* We lean towards being avoidant. On aggregate, it's easier for us to detach/avoid/ghost than it is for NT's.
* Unlike NT's, if we can get over the threshold, it's (again, on aggregate) somewhat easier for us to start up where we left off. The "burden of the past" can be lighter.
It sounds like you've pushed him away (perhaps accidently, but it seems to have already happened).
It's not too late to attempt to reconnect. But of course
I can't know if it will work.
To have a chance, you need to be clear, honest,
direct, unambiguous. If you try to reverse (persuade him to come to you), or play dominance games, he'll stop reading/listening.
BTW I know this isn't the way NT's normally do this, and you might find it uncomfortable. But this "disconnect" is the norm for us We have to mute, filter, or translate almost every part of every non-trivial conversation.
If this matters to you, you'll make the effort.
PS: If I'd read your latest reply to Judge I wouldn't have written this, but it's done, so here goes ...